
The Unilorin Consultancy Services Centre (UCSC) was created to generate internal revenue for the University and it is structured into three areas of work. The past Directors are Prof. E. T. Jolayemi, Prof. Ayodele Jimoh, Prof. D.S. Ogunniyi, Prof. O. A. Mokuolu, Dr. (Mrs) O.A. Eletta ,Prof. Alfred A. Adegoke and the current Director is Prof Raji . The UCSC is structured along three core areas of work namely: Community Business Ventures, Consultancy Services for Business and Continuing Professional Development services.

Community Business Venture (CBV)
This is the arm of the consultancy services that is concerned with the coordination of the commercial ventures. At present, it has two main components – The UNILORIN Water Enterprise and The University of Ilorin

Researcher’s Lodge. 
The UNILORIN Water Enterprise  
The Unilorin Water is a registered trademark and it is presently one of the leading brands in Kwara State and its environments. Currently, the enterprise has  water depots at College of Health Sciences, Ilorin Business School and the Unilorin Consultancy Services Centre’s office. These depots are strategically positioned to make the Unilorin Water accessible to the entire University Community. The Unilorin water is well equipped with a Mono-block Machine which was purchased in 2020 to replace the old manual machine. It has two functional Pet-blowing machines, one of them was purchased in 2021 to assist the old pet blowing machine which is still functional, making two pet blowing machines. The Unilorin Water enterprises has Certificates of compliance with regulatory and manufacturing standards from both NAFDAC and SON.

The University of Ilorin Researcher’s lodge
The Unilorin Researcher’s Lodge provides warm and relaxing hospitality mixed with the natural ambience of the University environment for researchers and other members of the academic community. The current Vice-Chancellor Prof. Sulyman Age Abdulkareem Age provided additional well furnished two guest chalets, and four single units in 2021 at the Researcher’s Lodge. The old chalets and single rooms were also renovated in January 2022 by the Researcher’s Lodge

Consultancy Services for Business (CSB)
The CSB is focused on building synergy and working together. It is aimed at connecting the resident capacities within the university system for the provision of highly professional technical assistance to the industry and other sectors of society. This ranges from the conduct of feasibility studies, running of corporate diagnostics, undertaking supplies/installation essentials for construction works etc. In order to achieve this the UCSC will determine, based on a critical appraisal of staff skills, some core service competences that are able to provide such services both within and outside the University Communities. Interested members of staff with relevant pedigrees will be enrolled, as necessary to specific work streams and their profiles compiled for bidding processes and execution of projects following successful bids. In each case there will be the Memorandum of Agreement that would guide the engagement of staff on the specific projects, including the systems of remuneration and sanctions. The Consultancy Centre will continue to identify in-house capacities buy assembling a data data base of all academic/senior non-academic staff

The UCSC seeks to bid for projects covering the following areas of services leveraging on the core competencies of staff in the university:-
1 Analytical Services (Feasibility studies, auditing, baseline surveys,
2 Monitoring and evaluation, environmental impact assessment, ICT
3 Deployment needs, soil and water testing; etc)
4 Physical planning and development: (Architectural and structural
5 Drawings, construction works, supply and installation of equipment)
6 Supervision of Projects: This will comprise largely of project
7 Management services across various disciplines
8 Operations Research: Focused on improving efficiency of operations.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Services
This is mainly the training unit saddled with the responsibility of training human resources largely on contractual basis for staff and non-staff of the University. The uniqueness of the unit lies in the fact that there is regular scheduled training that can be subscribed to quarterly and annually. Furthermore this arm also serve as a vehicle for the translation of research findings-and link to industry. This includes: –
1 Product to Industry (Commercialization of Products)
2 Consultancy competency training
3 Hosting of professional training programmes
4 Development programmes which can be hosted on behalf of Ministries/development partners;
5 Training on Management, Communication and Change Management Skills Training to improve on professionalism across various disciplines
6 Expert witness services